A cumulative dissertation is a type of PhD thesis that includes papers that have been published or accepted for publication in academic journals. Here are some steps you can follow to write a cumulative dissertation:

  1. Review your publications: Take stock of the papers you have published or have accepted for publication. Make sure that they are coherent and cohesive as a group, and that they contribute to a common theme or research question.
  2. Write an introduction: In the introduction to your dissertation, provide an overview of the research question or theme that your papers address, and explain how your papers contribute to the overall field of study.
  3. Organize your papers: Decide on the order in which you will present your papers. You may want to group them by theme or by the order in which they were published.
  4. Write a linking narrative: Between each of your papers, write a short narrative that explains how the paper fits into the overall theme of your dissertation and how it builds on the previous papers.
  5. Discussion: In the discussion, you present the key findings of your research papers, discuss them in a comprehensive manner and outline the implications for your field of study or, if applicable, to other relevant fields.
  6. Write a summary: Summary is the most read part of your disseration. Summarize the main findings of your papers and their implications for the field of study. It should be comprehensive and appealing to stimulate readers’ interest in reading your research papers.
  7. Edit and format your dissertation: Carefully edit and proofread your dissertation, and make sure it meets the formatting requirements of your university or department.
  8. Proofreading: Ask your one or two of your peers to proofread your disseration before you send it to your supervisor for initial evaluation.

By following these steps, you can write a cumulative dissertation that effectively presents and synthesizes your research contributions.

When writing a cumulative dissertation for your PhD, there are a few things you should avoid in order to ensure that your work is well-organized, coherent, and clear. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Don’t neglect the introduction, discussion and summary: These sections are important for framing your work and providing context for your readers. Make sure to spend adequate time on them.
  2. Don’t skip the linking narratives: The linking narratives between your papers help to connect the different parts of your dissertation and show how they fit together. Don’t skip these sections or write them in a rushed or perfunctory manner.
  3. Don’t ignore formatting requirements: Make sure to follow the formatting guidelines for your university or department. Neglecting to do so can result in lost points or even rejection of your work.
  4. Don’t forget to proofread: Carefully proofread your work to catch any spelling, grammar, or formatting errors. These can be distracting to readers and make your work look less professional.
  5. Don’t neglect the importance of coherence: Your papers should fit together as a cohesive whole. Make sure to carefully review your work to ensure that there are no gaps or inconsistencies.

By avoiding these pitfalls, you can write a cumulative dissertation that is well-organized, clear, and professional.